The Schools Climate Summit has been working with our partners to produce an extensive library of resources, including the London Climate Curriculum which can be found below.
London Climate Curriculum

A series of four unique lesson plans, the LCAW London Climate Curriculum is designed to introduce pupils to climate change and the UN Sustainable Development Goals in both a local and global context. Aimed at Key Stages 2 and 3 (ages 10-14), the lesson plans draw on London as a classroom, using London landmarks and features such as the River Thames, the London Plane tree, cultural and scientific institutions such as the British Museum and the Science Museum to illustrate climate impacts and solutions.
Originally designed for the debut LCAW in 2019 by GLOBE International, London Sustainable Schools Forum and World’s Largest Lesson, the curriculum is updated every year to tap into London’s unique cultural offerings and exhibitions to enhance student learning. The 2022 curriculum will include London landmarks such as The Shard, Battersea Power Station, the Thames Barrier and the Tower of London.
Guidance on Effective Climate Change Communication with Children

Climate change & the biodiversity crisis are an unprecedented threat on a scale that has never been seen before in human history, and it is affecting everyone. We have no prior experience of dealing with something on this scale on which to base our solutions and actions, or to give us guidelines on how to cope with the emotional turmoil that accompanies threats of this size. Climate psychologists are researching and building a knowledge base to help people navigate these threats, to contain and reduce stress and trauma, to empower people to take action, and to support people with their fears, grief and anger.
A global study in 2021 found almost 60% of young people approached said they felt very or extremely worried about climate change.
GLOBE International and the Climate Psychology Alliance have published guidance on effective climate change communication with children, to assist with appropriate communication with children and young people.
Doorways Podcast
The Doorways to Sustainable Schools podcast is aimed to support London schools to engage in London Climate Action Week and the Schools Climate Summit.
The show is hosted by Martin Crabbe, Head of Geography, Glebe School, Bromley; Co-chair, LCAW Education & Skills Group and Chair of the London Sustainable Schools Forum.

Listen to this episode of the Doorways Podcast where Malini Mehra – Founder, Schools Climate Summit and Co-chair, LCAW Education & Skills Group – explains why a Schools Climate Summit was needed.
Partner Resources
We’re delighted to be working with a range of excellent partners from across local government, business, academia, civil society, public sector organisations and many others. We encourage those participating in London Climate Action Week and the Schools Climate Summit to avail of the following free partner resources.
This listing is updated regularly, so please do check for new additions. If you would like to suggest additional resources, please contact us at: [email protected] or via twitter @climate_london.

Greater London Authority

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has declared a climate emergency. As part of London’s response to this, the Mayor supported the first ever London Climate Action Week (LCAW) from 1 – 8 July 2019. The week brought together London’s climate expertise and talent from across diverse sectors and is now the largest event of its type in Europe.
In the education and youth section of the GLA website, you can find out information on what the Mayor is doing to help London’s children and young people make the most of our city:
- Find support for families and early years.
- Discover and learn from London schools who have done exceptionally well raising student achievements.
- Find out about teaching programmes and careers.
And much more!

GLA’s report on How London Schools and Early Years Settings can Adapt to Climate Change.

GLA’s report on How London Schools and Early Years Settings can Adapt to Climate Change.

The Mayor’s Air Quality Fund is a £22 million fund for over 10 years which aims to support projects by London boroughs to improve air quality.

studio2909 design and produce programmes that nurture imaginative and positive thinking, and equip people with skills to thrive in a rapidly changing and complex world. Through commissioning and producing new artworks, they create space for voices who are least heard, as well as fostering collaborations between artists, designers, scientists, environment and health professionals, global NGOs and local communities.
studio2909 help secondary schools embed cross-curricular and creative approaches to learning, and collaborate on research projects with the higher education sector. They support young people – particularly those who don’t typically feel able to make positive decisions around their future – to develop their voice and sense of empowerment to take action on issues that concern them.
In search of Aether is part of an ongoing programme supporting schools serving communities with deep health inequalities to embed cross-curricular creative learning around urgent climate, environment and health issues that disproportionately impact young people’s lives.
Click here to read an article by Natasha Freedman, studio2909 Director, and watch the music video of a new song My lungs created and performed by Year 7 at Riverside School (Barking Riverside) for London Climate Action Week 2022.
To find out more about studio2909 and their work, visit their website.
Global Action Plan

Global Action Plan have produced resources for schools for Clean Air Day, including resources for KS1, KS2 and KS3, assembly packs and ‘How-To’ guides.
Cleaner Air Sooner

Through the “Clean Air in the Making” campaign, six free-of-charge cleaner air programmes have been designed to quickly improve the air quality in and around schools and help pupils breathe cleaner air now. These projects involve pupils, teachers and parents delivering pupil-led projects and adopting small changes that will make a big difference.
The TOOLKIT section covers the following topics – Awareness, Active Travel, Anti-Idling, Re-Imagining Streets, Mapping and Green Infrastructure.

ThoughtBox is a global community of educators rethinking learning for a changing world. Free resources explore the interconnections between social justice, climate justice, covid and more.
Transform Our World
A quality rated resource hub to help teachers bring environmental action into the classroom. It has a link to top curriculum-linked resources on themes including Sustainable Development Goals, Outdoor Learning, Local Community and STEM. It also has a link to Showcased Programmes, with Transform Our World’s current showcased programmes, handpicked with the help of the teacher Design Committee.
Youth Climate Summit section of the Transform Our World website offers over 160+ sessions for primary and secondary students.
GAP Summit 2021
GapSummit is an annual student-run, world-class biotechnology leadership summit with the core objectives of substantively discussing pressing challenges facing the bio-economy and catalyzing innovation to solve these challenges. As the only intergenerational conference of its kind, GapSummit competitively selects 100 Leaders of Tomorrow from around the world to attend, and recruits current leaders across the global biotech community to inspire the next generation. GapSummit is the flagship event of Global Biotech Revolution (GBR), a youth-led nonprofit which connects and develops future leaders to accelerate the growth and advancement of the global biotech.
AimHi Online School
AimHi is the nature-first, curiosity-powered online school on a mission to make world-class live learning accessible to everyone. In the learning section, past lessons, and live streams are accessible with the info on teachers and the entry to the Future Dictionary Challenge (£100 prize).
In the climate course section – Climate and Nature – there is everything you need to know about climate, nature and how to make a difference. The course is suitable for everyone, with special section for teachers and for businesses.
In the Tutoring section, world-class tutoring from anywhere in the world, for as little as the price of a cup of coffee is on offer.
Learning through Landscapes
A leading UK-based charity dedicated to enhancing outdoor learning and play
for children. They provide information for educators, parents, designers, funders. They aim to enable children to connect with nature, be more active, be more engaged with their learning.
Free outdoor learning ideas and outdoor lesson plans are ideal for curricular led outdoor learning or forest school type activities. They are sorted by keystage, curricular area and age suitability.
For further guidance and publications related to play and outdoor learning – please click here.
Click here for some selected Forest School ideas.
Outdoor People
In the School section of their website, information on London National Park City Schools, The kit to take learning outdoors, Outdoor Classroom Day, Outdoor learning and play at schools around the world is available.
World’s Largest Lesson
Climate Changemakers: An interactive site for children to take climate action in four simple steps by writing a message on the one thing they know most about – their own education!
Climate and the environment:
• Video and lesson plans: A Call to Climate Learning:
• Don’t Waste It! Make a recycled shopping bag
Lesson plan: https://worldslargestlesson.globalgoals.org/resource/dont- waste-it/
Spotlight from Space: Taking the Earth’s Temperature
• Lesson Plan: https://worldslargestlesson.globalgoals.org/resource/ spotlight-from-space-taking-the-earths-temperature/
• Presentation: https://worldslargestlesson.globalgoals.org/resource/spotlight-from-space-ppt/
Designing for Climate Action: Circular Economy Project
• Project Plan: https://worldslargestlesson.globalgoals.org/resource/design-thinking-project/
• Presentation: https://worldslargestlesson.globalgoals.org/resource/designing-for-the-circular-economy/
Intro to the Global Goals: https://worldslargestlesson.globalgoals.org/campaign/getting-started/
• Video https://worldslargestlesson.globalgoals.org/resource/malala-introducing-the-the-worlds-largest-lesson/
• 30 min lesson plan: https://worldslargestlesson.globalgoals.org/resource/introducing-the-global-goals/
• What World Do You Want in 2030? Lesson plan https://worldslargestlesson.globalgoals.org/resource/what-world-do-you-want-in-2030/
• A 30 minute Youtube show made with the UN for ages 13+
Reboot the Future
Working with young people and leaders to build a compassionate and sustainable future. In their How Will You Reboot the Future? campaign they are calling on all educators of 14-18 year olds to ignite their students’ sense of optimism, tap into their imagination and creativity, and inspire them with positive and personal ways of engaging in climate action.
How Will You Reboot the Future campaign features a series of short films – following the lives of five young people who, over the next five years, each play a role in rebooting the future. These films were inspired by e-book Rise Up to Reboot the Future, written by environmental activist Jonathon Porritt, which is included as a resource, alongside a set of teaching guides to help you to support discussion in your classrooms.
Resource Search › Global Dimension
Connect Global Learning
Connect Global Learning supports schools in collaborating globally to broaden pupil’s horizons, develop their active global citizenship skills, deliver an inclusive, anti-racist, rich and relevant curriculum and embed teaching and learning practices that respond to the needs of our diverse communities. Membership is open to Nursery, Primary, Secondary, Special schools and Colleges.
Zero Waste Mindset
Zero Waste Mindset’s mission is to transform how people think about sustainability and their relationship with this beautiful planet we live on. They help their clients put sustainability at the top of their agenda through campaigns of workshops and events designed to elevate employee engagement around sustainability and change employee behaviour around consumption, use and waste.
Link below is to the Schools & Colleges Resources page of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, which is all about circular economy in schools.