How to get involved

There are three main ways to get involved with the Schools Climate Summit during London Climate Action Week (26 June – 4 July 2021).

– Summit Programme (29 June 2021)
– Deep Dives (26 June – 2 July 2021)
– School-based activities 

In addition, students can engage in the Student-MP Climate Surgery held by participating MPs across London on Friday 2 July 2021.

This Tool Kit provides resources to help you choose how and in which of these activities to get involved. 

1. Summit Programme

2. Deep Dives

3. CPA Guidance on communicating climate change

Climate change & the bio-diversity crisis are an unprecedented threat on a scale that has never been seen before in human history, and it is affecting everyone. We have no prior experience of dealing with something on this scale on which to base our solutions and actions, or to give us guidelines on how to cope with the emotional turmoil that accompanies threats of this size. Climate psychologists are researching and building a knowledge base to help people navigate these threats, to contain and reduce stress and trauma, to empower people to take action, and to support people with their fears, grief and anger. Download the guidance PDF here.

4. LCAW London Climate Curriculum – 4 lesson plans for Keystage 3

Schools-based Activities Schools across London are encouraged to host their own activities during London Climate Action Week (LCAW) on some or all of the Schools Climate Summit’s five main themes: campus, curriculum, community, careers & finance. 

A range of resources to support such activities, such as the London Climate Curriculum for key stage 2-3, can be found in the Tool Kit. 

Download all four Lesson Plans in one PDF here.

Lesson Plan 1 – Campaigning for the Global Goals. Aliquam quis massa ac ligula pharetra commodo. Suspendisse vitae ligula orci. Aliquam erat volutpat. In vulputate velit ac convallis scelerisque. Aliquam a dictum enim, eu bibendum est. In eu gravida ipsum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Download the PDF here.

Lesson Plan 2 – Is there really anything we can do about Climate Change? Aliquam quis massa ac ligula pharetra commodo. Suspendisse vitae ligula orci. Aliquam erat volutpat. In vulputate velit ac convallis scelerisque. Aliquam a dictum enim, eu bibendum est. In eu gravida ipsum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam justo nulla, imperdiet non sagittis eget, venenatis vel lectus.

Download the PDF here.

Lesson Plan 3 – Practical ways to reduce London’s climate risks. Aliquam quis massa ac ligula pharetra commodo. Suspendisse vitae ligula orci. Aliquam erat volutpat. In vulputate velit ac convallis scelerisque. Aliquam a dictum enim, eu bibendum est. In eu gravida ipsum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Download the PDF here.

Lesson Plan 4 – Practical ways to reduce London’s climate risks. Aliquam quis massa ac ligula pharetra commodo. Suspendisse vitae ligula orci. Aliquam erat volutpat. In vulputate velit ac convallis scelerisque. Aliquam a dictum enim, eu bibendum est. In eu gravida ipsum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Download the PDF here.

5. Student-MP Climate Surgery – Friday 2 July 2021

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6. Partner Climate Education Resources

Malini – I’m not sure what this is!

7. Doorways’ podcasts

The Doorways to Sustainable Schools podcast is aimed to support London schools to engage in London Climate Action Week and the LCAW Schools Climate Summit on June 29th 2021.

The show is hosted by Martin Crabbe, chair of the London Sustainable Schools Forum and a Geography teacher at Glebe School, London Borough of Bromley.