The week of 26th June to 4th July 2021 is London Climate Action Week. This year all London schools are invited to take part on a Tuesday 29th June at our first Schools Climate Summit. It’s a great opportunity to link curriculum based climate change learning with global and social learning for the Sustainable Development Goals and encourage pupils to practise social action for change. We have created four lessons to help you in the period leading up to the Schools Climate Summit. All are independent so you can use them flexibly to suit.
School Activities
Learning outcomes
• To become familiar with the Global Goals and some of the targets behind the Goals • To understand how the Climate Goals fit into the Global Goals • To identify ways that London’s citizens can be part of London’s solution for climate and the Global Goals
Lesson Plan 1
Download Lesson Plan 1 PDF here
Lesson Plan 2
Download Lesson Plan 2 here
Lesson Plan 3
Download Lesson Plan 3 here
Lesson Plan 4
Download Lesson Plan 4 here
Aliquam quis massa ac ligula pharetra commodo. Suspendisse vitae ligula orci. Aliquam erat volutpat. In vulputate velit ac convallis scelerisque. Aliquam a dictum enim, eu bibendum est. In eu gravida ipsum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam justo nulla, imperdiet non sagittis eget, venenatis vel lectus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel sagittis odio. View the full Summit Programme here.
Deep Dives
We’re delighted to offer almost 20 Deep Dives on each of the five main Summit themes this year: the 4 ‘C’s and the 1 ‘F’ of Campus, Curriculum, Careers, Community and Finance.
The full list of Deep Dives offered as part of the LCAW Schools Climate Summit, can be found here with full registration details.
School survey
Sed tempus mauris at massa laoreet, ut viverra erat convallis. Phasellus sed pharetra nulla, eget malesuada magna. Duis pretium turpis sed nisl tincidunt, et viverra dui cursus. Vivamus aliquam purus in dui accumsan vestibulum in sed lectus. Nunc quis finibus velit. Vestibulum aliquet augue ac nibh ullamcorper fringilla. Fusce nec nisi lacus. Aliquam a neque justo. Sed pellentesque ex non facilisis condimentum.
Add survey here
MP–student Climate Surgery
Proin nec dolor et justo rhoncus feugiat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Morbi sed metus elit. Vivamus ultrices erat in dignissim pharetra. Vivamus mi mauris, egestas id augue vitae, porta pellentesque neque. Etiam rutrum mollis tortor, ut pellentesque leo vestibulum eget.